
We were given a neat opportunity to transform a couple of boardrooms at the old Molson headquarters in Montreal. We were given the Molson Export and the Molson Dry rooms, and we were asked to turn the Export room into an old tavern. We made a custom chandelier using old bottle openers, and we dismantled old wood Molson crates to make the custom wood wall behind the "bar"

This space became a favourite for meetings, and also won an award for best design!

(sorry, no pics of the Molson Dry space!)

This motor home was a promotional vehicle used by a marketing company, and we were asked to turn it into a nightclub on wheels.

It was used to transport contest winners to Ottawa Senators games. We stripped it to the bones. This was our first commercial project WAAAAAY back in 2003! (which is why the TV screens are so dinky!)

This is the Games room from the Bruce House Designer Showcase, a hospice for people living with Aids and HIV.

The project brought together seven Ottawa design firms to transform the residence.

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